207 North Jackson Street, Charles City, IA 50616

The Trouble With Missing Dental Exams

When your goal is to protect your smile and prevent problems like tooth decay and gum disease, your approach to maintaining your oral health should include regular dental exams. During your checkups, you receive important feedback about the state of your smile, and you also enjoy cleanings that fight the buildup of plaque and tartar deposits. Without these visits, you face more than just a higher risk for problems with your dental health—you also become vulnerable to complications because these issues are not treated in time. Your Charles City, IA dentist can help you protect yourself against the different threats to your smile, and when necessary we can provide the services that fully treat them.

Are You Consistently Visiting Your Dentist?

To be consistent about dental exams and cleanings, you should see your dentist every six months. Because this year is coming to a close, most people should have been in for checkups twice already, and those who have not should have appointments that are taking place soon. What can happen when you fall out of this habit? Delays in care lead to a greater risk for tartar formation, which in turn can make it harder for you to avoid problems with dental decay and poor periodontal health. For patients who have problems that have already developed, there is a potential for complications that can make more involved treatments necessary.

Your Checkups Can Look For More Than Just Tooth Decay

As important as it is to protect yourself against cavities, there are other threats to your well-being that you should be aware of. Fortunately, your dentist will look out for any signs of trouble during your routine appointments. That means checking your gums and oral structures for any evidence of problems that will require further review, discussing problems with jaw pain or limited movement, and looking out for wear and tear on your enamel that can point to problems with teeth grinding. Because you have so much important feedback, you can have an easier time keeping your smile attractive and healthy!

Why Regular Visits Also Include Teeth Cleanings

Your visits can do more than just give you feedback about the current state of your smile. At each appointment, your hygienist will take the time to remove plaque and tartar buildup so that you can more easily protect your teeth and gums in the future. Removing tartar is especially important for protecting your smile, as you will not be able to remove this substance by brushing and flossing alone.

Talk To Your Charles City, IA Dentist To Schedule Your Next Dental Exam

At every routine dental exam, you are provided with important protection against different oral health threats. If you need to schedule your next visit, or if you have any questions for us, please contact Central Park Dentistry at (641) 228-1115.