207 North Jackson Street, Charles City, IA 50616

Should I Really Tell My Dentist That I Snore?

You may prefer to keep the number of people who know that you snore to a minimum. People often feel embarrassed by this problem, and because of this they try not to speak about it. What you might not realize is that your dentist should know that you have snoring issues, especially if you also struggle with issues like fatigue, higher blood pressure, and other troubles related to sleep apnea. At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, we are ready to help individuals who struggle with the effects of sleep apnea, including snoring. With a custom oral appliance, we can address the breathing trouble that has made your sleep loud and less effective at providing the benefits of rest.

You May Be Snoring Because You Are Dealing With Sleep Apnea

People with obstructive sleep apnea will start to snore while they sleep because their airways are partially blocked by soft tissues in their throat. What this obstruction will eventually do is stop your breathing for long enough to make your body wake itself and clear the blockage. While this restores your ability to breathe, it will break your rest cycle. That has real consequences for your physical and emotional well-being, as a good night’s rest can affect your ability to focus, your energy levels, and more!

How An Oral Appliance Positively Changes Your Ability To Breathe While You Sleep

With a custom sleep appliance provided by your dentist, you can put a stop to the airway obstructions that make you snore and rob you of proper rest. This works because it holds your jaw in a position that prevents soft tissues from closing your breathing passages. Rather than become dependent on a CPAP machine for a proper night’s rest, you can instead use this appliance to sleep properly again!

Other Benefits To Regularly Meeting With Your Dentist

Regular dental exams create opportunities for you to speak with your dentist about problems that are affecting your oral health, appearance, and even your quality of life. Sleep apnea is not the only nighttime trouble that you can suffer from that your dentist can address. We can also use a custom oral appliance to stop you from grinding your teeth while you are asleep. This will prevent potential dental injuries from occurring, and it reduces stress that can negatively impact your quality of life. Of course, we also recommend regular exams because they keep you informed about possible problems with cavities that will require restorative dental work.

Our Charles City, IA Dentist’s Office Can Help With Snoring Related To Sleep Apnea

At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, patients who are affected by sleep apnea can discuss their difficulties and receive treatment from their dentist! To find out more, please contact Central Park Dentistry at (641) 228-1115.