207 North Jackson Street, Charles City, IA 50616

Oral Hygiene And Your Dental Exams

Do you feel certain that your smile is healthy? Hopefully, you currently feel confident in the appearance of your smile, and you have no issues with dental discomfort. It is important to feel comfortable with your oral health, but you should not assume that the absence of obvious problems means that nothing is wrong. During your regular dental exams, you can receive timely warnings about problems that might need to be dealt with. You also receive dental cleanings that help you avoid problems at a later date. At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, we can keep you informed about the state of your smile and provide the kind of support that helps you stay on top of your oral hygiene!

Are You Seeing Your Dentist Frequently Enough?

If you want to maintain a good smile care routine, make sure your daily efforts are backed up by consistent visits to the dentist’s office. At these appointments, we can provide expert reviews and cleanings, both of which positively serve you in the long run. The reviews that take place on a recurring basis provide timely warnings about dental decay, gum disease, and other matters. Cleanings will take care of your smile by removing plaque and tartar, substances that make you more likely to experience difficulties with gum disease and dental decay.

What To Expect At A Typical Exam And Cleaning

At a dental cleaning and exam, you can look forward to the following:

  • During your dental cleaning, your hygienist will clear away all deposits of plaque and tartar found on your smile. Cleaning tartar is important because you cannot remove this material on your own. By cleaning carefully at the gum line, we can lower your risk for gum disease as well as cavities.
  • In the course of your dental exams, your dentist will look closely at your smile to see if there are any active problems that require restorative dental work. When problems are identified in this way, they can be treated before they require more advanced care.

Discussing Concerns About Active Oral Health Problems

Depending on the state of your smile at the time of your next review, you may receive different recommendations for treatment. If you are free from any problems more serious than tartar buildup, you can avoid restorative dental treatment. However, if you have a cavity, even a small one, a procedure is required. The good news is that when a cavity is caught early, it can be restored with a dental filling to preserve more of your tooth structure.

Talk To Your Charles City, IA Dentist About Scheduling Your Next Dental Exam

During your dental exams, you receive important updates about your dental and periodontal health, which can help you avoid problems and maintain a more confident and attractive smile. For more information, please reach out to Central Park Dentistry in Charles City, IA today at (641) 228-1115.