207 North Jackson Street, Charles City, IA 50616

Should Bad Breath Make You Concerned About Your Oral Health?

If you think your breath might be affected by a foul odor, a mint can help you quickly deal with the problem. However, this is only a short-term solution, and it can leave the cause of your bad breath unaddressed. Sometimes, people start to notice they have bad breath and take it as a sign to do more to fully clean their teeth each day. In other circumstances, this problem may be how you discover a problem with tooth decay or gingivitis. At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, we have helped many people regain good oral health through regular dental exams, and through the appropriate restorative dental treatments. On your own, you can use your oral hygiene routine to more effectively prevent problems that might cause bad breath.

Frequent Bad Breath? It Could Be A Problem With Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can make you vulnerable to problems with cavities, leave you at risk for gum disease, and allow plaque to build up and form tartar. How can you tell if your hygiene regimen might need to be improved? Past problems with gum disease and tooth decay can be a sign of poor habits, and you can also take notice of other warning signs of gingivitis. Bad breath is another issue that you should take seriously. It can happen when food particles are not being fully removed when you brush and floss. As those particles remain to spoil and provide nourishment for harmful oral bacteria, you can have problems with foul odor that embarrass and worry you.

Bad Breath, Tooth Decay, And Gingivitis

Bad breath may point to a problem that has already developed and deserves your attention. If the issue is gingivitis, you can fight an infection by brushing and flossing more thoroughly. Target the spaces where your teeth and gums meet in order to remove the bacteria that cause gingivitis have gathered. If gum disease worsens, it can become a permanent concern, and a potential cause of tooth loss! If you think that you might have a cavity, you will need your dentist’s help to take care of it. Treatment can sometimes require a dental filling, but if decay is serious enough it may require a dental crown.

Other Signs Of Poor Oral Health That You Can Identify

Bad breath is just one of several issues that can develop if you are struggling with poor oral health. Do your gums often bleed when you brush and floss? Do your periodontal tissues appear swollen, or do they seem to have changed colors? These are all symptoms of gingivitis that you can identify. You can recognize a problem with a cavity if you have a sensitive tooth, consistent pain, or notice swelling around the tooth. These signs often warn of a tooth infection, which means treatment could require a root canal procedure.

Your Charles City, IA Dentist Helps Area Families Maintain Good Dental Health

At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, we are proud to provide a range of services that have helped many area families take great care of their teeth. To find out more about us, call Central Park Dentistry at (641) 228-1115.