207 North Jackson Street, Charles City, IA 50616

Are You Due For A Dental Exam?

Unless your dentist sees a reason for you to work on a different schedule, you should plan to go in for a regular dental exam on a semiannual basis. One reason these recurring checkups can be so important to your smile is that they limit the amount of time available for tooth decay to take hold. If a cavity develops between visits, it should be small enough that your dentist can restore your tooth with a dental filling. Longer gaps between visits can allow decay to spread to more of your tooth; a severe cavity will call for more involved restorative dental care.

What To Expect During Your Routine Dental Visit

Part of your appointment with your dentist will consist of a professional cleaning from your hygienist. These cleanings do more than you can do when you brush and floss, as your hygienist is capable of removing tartar from your teeth. Tartar can resist your at-home care, so these sessions do important preventive work. You will also have a review from your dentist. They check for cavities, but they also look for any other signs of trouble. That includes checking the health of your gums, and addressing possible issues like bruxism.

How Dental Visits Lower The Odds Of You Experiencing A Serious Cavity

The simple reason regular dental visits protect you from serious cavities is that you can have your issue treated before it has time to grow in severity. If you skip an appointment, a cavity you are unaware of will not be detected, and decay can spread until it causes endodontic problems, which will call for a root canal treatment.