If you have problems with the way your teeth look, cosmetic dentistry can give you the ability to take on flaws and make real improvements to your appearance. However, you may feel as though the right results will only come from metal braces if your issues have to do with poor teeth spacing. Instead, many […]
Taking Home Your Personalized Whitening Kit
Is there something you can do at home to change the color of your smile? If you have tried to use store bought whitening kits or toothpaste that offered help with enamel stains, you may feel concerned at the lack of overall improvements you enjoyed. Fortunately, these are not your only options. At our Charles […]
Scheduling Bonding And Contouring Work
How would you like to make your smile more attractive while minimizing any changes to your tooth structure? For many people, a conservative cosmetic treatment can be an appealing way to take on imperfections with the shape, size, or color of certain teeth that stand out and draw negative attention. Your Charles City, IA dentist […]
Considering Veneers As A Treatment Option
Are you someone who wants to regain confidence in their smile? Should you explore the benefits of a cosmetic dental procedure? While there are many reasons why people look at their options for services, there are also reasons why they talk themselves out of exploring how treatment can benefit them. For many, the concern can […]
Put Embarrassment Over Teeth Stains Behind You
The embarrassment you feel over the color of your smile can sap your overall confidence in the way you look. Until you deal with this issue, you can find it hard to smile, laugh, or speak without worrying how people might be scrutinizing you. Fortunately, there is something that you can do about this concern. […]
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Conservative Treatment For Your Chipped Tooth
There are times when a dental problem feels serious enough to discuss with your dentist, but not so serious that you feel comfortable taking on a significant treatment. It can be a relief to know that conservative services are available when you want to carefully address problems while only making minimal changes to your tooth […]
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Planning A Bonding And Contouring Treatment
The work that goes into changing a person’s smile can be more conservative than you realize. If you are interested in cosmetic dental work, your procedure can give you a brighter, more symmetrical smile, and address any visible flaws, while only making minimal changes to your enamel. In some cases, patients can even have their […]
How We Help Patients Who Want Whiter Teeth
While you may feel certain that you want to show off a whiter smile, you may be less clear on how you should pursue this goal. By discussing it with your dentist, you can learn about the different cosmetic treatment options available to you. Discussing this interest is also a good way to learn if […]
Making Positive Changes With Veneers
Whether you are losing confidence in your smile or always felt that it could be more attractive, cosmetic dentistry can help you. Just one procedure can help you take on several flaws, and the results you see from your treatment can be long-lasting. At our Charles City, IA dentist’s office, we can recommend different services, […]
Cosmetically Restoring Your Flawed Tooth
The least flattering tooth in your smile can grab more attention than you prefer, which can have a negative effect on your appearance as a whole. Are you simply stuck with this unsightly flaw? Is there anything that you can do to target such a specific concern? Through the right cosmetic dental procedure performed at […]